Trend Micro's OfficeScan Client 8.0 protects your computer against web-based and blended attacks, stops viruses, worms, trojans and variants, detects and removes spyware, supports plug-ins that add new security capabilities.
Once OfficeScan Client 8.0 is installed, it is always active so no threat penetrates into your computer, and it automatically updates so it is always capable of stopping newer threats. The updates are done through a network repository, from the internet or manually downloading from the web page.
Office Scan Client 8.0 constantly scans your disks, local memory, mail and web threats from browsing suspicious web sites.
Even though it is constantly on the lookout for possible threats, the user can also perform manual scans, which comes in handy when using an external drive. Also a mail scan can be performed to protect your mailbox from any malicious file or security risks.
A log file is automatically stored, so you can verify what possible threats has the antivirus protected you from.
Some of the available plug-ins are:
* Intrusion Defense Firewall Plug-In
* Web Security Solutions
* Endpoint Security Solutions
* Trend Micro™ Mobile Security
* Trend Micro Control Manager™
* Trend Micro™ Outbreak Prevention Service
* Trend Micro™ Premium Support
* Network VirusWall™ Enforcer
OfficeScan Client 8.0 Client is supported in the following platforms: Microsoft® Windows® Vista, XP, 2003, 2000.
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